Narrative in ‘societies of intimates’
  • ISSN 1387-6740
  • E-ISSN: 1569-9935
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Using Ochs & Capp’s (2001) five dimensions of narrative, I analyse small stories that emerge during informal conversation among Javanese speakers. Of particular interest are the dimensions of Linearity, Tellership and Moral Stance. While many of these narratives are organised in chronological order, nearly half emerge from their conversational context non-chronologically. The primary organising strategy found among the non-chronological narratives is repetition combined with elaboration. I call this pattern of narrative organisation reiterative storytelling. While reiterative storytelling may not be unique to Javanese, it is pervasive and particularly characteristic of Javanese interactional style. Reiterative storytelling is shown to support the co-constructed development of both narrative and evaluative detail and thus to provide a way for interlocutors to forefront the social motivations behind particular storytelling events.


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