Volume 27, Issue 2
  • ISSN 1387-6740
  • E-ISSN: 1569-9935
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New parodic genres have emerged across diverse forms of digital media. Sometimes these parodies take the form of mock “narratives of personal experience,” with authors drawing on a range of discursive resources to perform particular identities and in doing so, to create texts written from imagined perspectives. In this article, I focus on parodies of user-generated product reviews on . For over a decade, users have contributed thousands of parodies of reviews written about real products. This analysis focuses on a sample from a data set of 100 parodic reviews written about five different products (which have become the targets of a large number of parody reviews), and demonstrates how authors perform self-disclosure to construct fictional personae. I demonstrate how these discursively-constructed narrative identities are central to the ensuing and improbable narrative events represented in the parodic texts.


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