Volume 27, Issue 2
  • ISSN 1387-6740
  • E-ISSN: 1569-9935
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The retelling and sharing of stories is not a new phenomenon. Many narrative analysts have devoted research to these processes. But the culture of participation ( Jenkins 2006 ) in the digital world has brought sharing to a completely new level by allowing users not only to broadcast their opinions and evaluations of a story but also to reappropriate it and recontextualize it in infinite recursions. We focus on such process of transformation of a narrative in different media and social media outlets through the analysis of the viral spread of a story posted by an individual Twitter user in 2015. Specifically, we illustrate how participation frameworks change from one retelling to another and how the original story becomes "nested" into a new meta-story centered on the twitter user as a character and on the viral spread of the story.


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