Grammarians, Skalds and Rune Carvers II
  • ISSN 0108-8416
  • E-ISSN: 2212-9715
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Medieval Icelandic grammar and poetics based their analysis, to a great extent, on traditional Nordic scholarship. In poetics, was central, but insights from Classical learning were used to supplement it in the and the . A comparison between Snorri’s description of metrical form in and Latin metrics reveals fundamental differences. In the Nordic system, the emphasis is on alliteration and rhyme, but in the Latin one rhythm is central. Furthermore, there are significant differences in the kind of phonological terminology and analysis presented in the grammatical treatises respectively, the providing the sharpest insights, but the perhaps being the most original, seeking inspiration from music. The shows input from runic learning as well as Latin doctrine in its grammatical part, and a healthy mixture of native and Classical learning in its poetics.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keyword(s): metrics; Nordic grammar and poetics; phonology; vernacular vs. Latin tradition
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