Volume 12, Issue 2
  • ISSN 0929-0907
  • E-ISSN: 1569-9943
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In the current study of metaphor it is commonly assumed that during a meta­phorical reading both an impression of dissimilarity and an impression of similarity are created in the reader’s mind. These separate impressions exist simultaneously and each of them is considered to have linear relations with the metaphor’s aptness without either coming at the expense of the other. Thus far this assumption has never received any satisfactory theoretical justification. In this paper I discuss the problem of the simultaneous existence of similarity and dissimilarity in the reader’s awareness when engaged in metaphor comprehension. I examine the methods for resolving this pro­blem, point out the shortcomings of the suggested solution and present an alternative solution. My solution uses a well-known distinction in the field of visual perception, that of global similarity versus dimensional similarity, and applies it to metaphor comprehension. While doing so I also try to supply a novel perspective on the process of metaphor comprehension


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  • Article Type: Research Article
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