The Pragmatics of Making it Explicit: On Robert B. Brandom
  • ISSN 0929-0907
  • E-ISSN: 1569-9943
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This paper gives attention to a special point in Brandom’s Making it Explicit. Brandom proposes in MIE a “Fregean” way out of Kripke’s puzzle about belief. In the first part, I analyze two main features of Brandom’s strategy, the definition of anaphoric chains as senses of proper names and the implausibility of the application of a disquotational principle to proper names. In the second part, I discuss (i) the problem of the stability of contents and (ii) the problem of sharing contents. I claim that Brandom’s strong holism leads to irresolvable difficulties with the concept of conceptual content as it emerges from the discussion of Kripke’s puzzle.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keyword(s): anaphora; belief; context; disquotational principle; holism; idiolect; indexical; opacity; pronoun; translation
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