Volume 27, Issue 2
  • ISSN 0929-0907
  • E-ISSN: 1569-9943
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While individuals interact, they coordinate their feelings and emotions. They also coordinate several kinds of expression while interacting, like facial expressions and gestures. Inspired by Karl Bühler’s model and Henri Bergson’s description of remembering experiences, we explore interpersonal coordination during a collaborative remembering task between two people. We present a case study of one dyad employing videography to identify and distinguish two types of spontaneous interpersonal coordination (expressive-affective and representational). In a later stage, separate interviews of both participants are analyzed to establish whether content, freely remembered, is related to the previously observed coordination. The data describes that expressive-affective coordination during interaction is directly linked to the subjective organization of experience in individual remembering. We discuss these results, emphasizing the intersubjective aspects of lived experience and their relationship to expressive and representational aspects of coordination and remembering.


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