Volume 2, Issue 1
  • ISSN 2665-9581
  • E-ISSN: 2665-959X
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Since Hong Kong handover, the language policy in Hong Kong shifts from diglossic bilingualism to bi-literacy and trilingualism policy, balancing the status of English and Chinese with the mother tongue education policy. This policy shift has inadvertently impacted non-Chinese speaking (NCS) students’ enrollment, whose limited mastery of Chinese language prevents them from the mainstream schooling. Faced with this ethnically diverse and multilingual population, Applied Learning Chinese (ApL(C)) motivating practical reading and writing in an applied learning context was proposed by Hong Kong Education Bureau as an alternative for second language education. This study examines the effectiveness of “Reading to Learn, Learning to Write, R2L” pedagogy (Rose, 2012) in teaching Chinese practical writing to NCS students in Hong Kong with pedagogic interventions and Systemic Functional analytical perspective. Semi-structured interviews were conducted to perceive students’ learning experiences with R2L pedagogy. The finding suggests an increased meta-linguistic awareness of genre-specific writings after interventions to be empowered with a voice against social inequity and be empathized with humanistic reflections.


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