Volume 33, Issue 1
  • ISSN 1018-2101
  • E-ISSN: 2406-4238



While extensive research has been done on pragmatic identity construction in various contexts by various social groups, little is known about how and why university student advisors may dynamically construct their pragmatic identity in their interaction with their students. Based on the analysis of naturally-occurring data about 5 student advisors’ consultation, this article explores the various pragmatic identities constructed by Chinese university student advisors as well as their underlying motivations. It finds that the identities constructed by the student advisors can be non-professional (such as a student, an individual, a friend, and a family member) and professional (such as an administrator, a tutor and a teacher). It suggests that their pragmatic identity construction may signify their effort to balance their various communicative needs in the educational contexts. Such balance may serve to meet their goal of constructing a new type of Chinese advisor-student relation characterized by equality, democracy, and harmony.


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