Volume 34, Issue 3
  • ISSN 1018-2101
  • E-ISSN: 2406-4238
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This study focuses on one type of audible gesture, designedly single claps (DSCs), as used by different people at an educational institution. The institution is designed to provide second language English users with opportunities to use English in various situations. Through the use of Multimodal Conversation Analysis, the analysis first focuses on the shape of DSCs and what makes them visible as not projecting further claps. Next, the analysis focuses on how DSCs are used within their sequential context. DSCs can take a variety of shapes, in that there are different ways not to project further claps; they can be used to attract attention of multiple recipients, and thus as one resource to manage interaction; and they are used as such a resource by representatives of the educational institution, who take on teacher roles within the interaction, with responsibility and deontic authority to manage shifts in activity and participation framework.


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