Volume 35, Issue 1
  • ISSN 1018-2101
  • E-ISSN: 2406-4238
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This study investigates how the interaction between multimodal modes and intertextual resources accentuates humor functions. Kress and van Leeuwen’s Visual Grammar (2006) was adopted to analyze a set of sixty humorous online posters of ’s movements. The results revealed that humor was generated from the purposeful interplay of various semiotic modes and the reproduction and recontextualization of shared socio-cultural and political resources. The protesters utilized cartoon characters, religious discourse, folk traditions, and cultural mundane to represent the authority’s members humorously as lawbreakers, prisoners, robbers, and gangsters. This humorous exposition has placed the authority members outside the Algerian societal in-group boundaries. In contrast, such a device has enhanced conformity among the protesters and exhibited their superiority over the ruling outer group. We hope such an investigation will pave the grounds for further studies and provide insights into multimodal discourse analysis.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keyword(s): Algerian Hirak; humor; intertextuality; Multimodal Discourse Analysis; multimodality
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