Volume 14, Issue 3
  • ISSN 1878-9714
  • E-ISSN: 1878-9722
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Henri Meschonnic famously gives specific usage to a repertoire of terms such as and . Behind them, there is a project to overcome what he calls the “chain of dualisms” (1988), or the tendency toward dichotomy in theoretical thinking, represented in the language fields by the separations between signifier and signified, oral and written, form and content, and others. Following Philip Wilson’s (2012) initiative of applying Ludwig Wittgenstein’s concepts of and to translation studies, we seek to draw an analogy between the Wittgensteinian leap from analytics to pragmatics and the Meschonnician leap from sign to discourse, with the aim of investigating the viability of a synthesis of the two authors’ ideas as a theoretical and methodological proposition for Translation Studies. Meschonnic proposes that the sign (enunciate) be overcome in favor of discourse (enunciation), which he views as a relationship between language and body. We argue that the linguistic experience, in that light, is akin to a performance and that Wittgenstein, by focusing on the of language, also favors this idea, which may be a possible key for a theoretical practice of translation.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keyword(s): form of life; language game; orality; performance; translation; translation theory
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