image of The metapragmatic act of debating in the media
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The aim of this paper is to lay the theoretical foundation of the metapragmatic act of debating, and to present evidence that it provides a better approach to mediated debate than existing theoretical notions of metapragmatic acts and intertextuality in the media. To achieve this goal, it contrasts its notion with Bublitz’ (2015) metapragmatic act of quoting, and analyses a simple and a complex exchange from the First 2004 US presidential debate. The theory proposed and data analyzed suggest two things: (1) that the metapragmatic act of debating is best conceived of as a combination of Caffi’s (2006) third sense of metapragmatics and Mey’s (2001) notion of pragmatic act, (2) operationalizing the theoretical notion of a metapragmatic act means adapting it to a specific context, for example, there is no such thing as a general metapragmatic act.


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