Volume 14, Issue 6
  • ISSN 1878-9714
  • E-ISSN: 1878-9722
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Intertextuality refers to the quality that connects the author and the reader within a single text or, more broadly, the relationship between texts. This study considered the author’s implicit textual intention and the expected effect on the text reader to analyze intertextuality. This study’s subject was the news text from the Russian news program Vesti Nedeli. The motivation behind this study was that anchor briefings are often used in news reports and that the anchor’s value judgments are often highlighted. Using previous researchers’ framing and orientation criteria, I examined how these factors manifested themselves in the news text under investigation. Furthermore, I proposed additional analysis criteria for strategic exposure and metaphor usage. Strategic exposure refers to empowering the text’s development and the text producer’s logic by intentionally exposing a specific scene, whereas metaphors emphasize an object’s positive or negative connotations by using a specific image.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keyword(s): framing; intertextuality; media; metaphor; orientation; strategic exposure
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