Volume 6, Issue 1
  • ISSN 1878-9714
  • E-ISSN: 1878-9722
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In the context of the endangered situation and revitalization of Sámi in a Northern Norwegian local community, this study discusses various aspects of responsibility that are construed and involved in the encounter of a local informant and the researcher in a research interview. The informant uses storytelling as an artful and elaborate means to position himself, to assess his own and other community members’ responsibility for their endangered heritage language, and to involve the researcher in his account. The analysis shows how storytelling operationalizes different social role relations, and how the informant uses the meaning potential of the interview situation as a resource to communicate his view on who are accountable and who should acknowledge their respective responsibilities for Sámi language use and revitalization.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keyword(s): language revitalization; narrative; Norway; research interview; responsibility; roles; Sámi
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