Volume 16, Issue 1
  • ISSN 1877-9751
  • E-ISSN: 1877-976X
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This paper outlines some of the challenges and possibilities of a corpus-based approach to the diachronic description of the semantics of emotion words. It analyses three German anger words (, and ) in two corpora: DTA (, covering the period 1600–1899) and DWDS (, which covers twentieth-century German). The study is based on two complementary approaches: a semantic and pragmatic analysis of co-occurrences ( Oster, 2012 ); and the use of semantic foci ( Ogarkova & Soriano, 2014 ). This allows for a detailed description of the semantic evolution of the three anger words for four aspects of emotion – Control, Lack of Control, Visibility and Internalization – while exploring the advantages of a combined quantitative and qualitative corpus analysis.


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