Volume 21, Issue 1
  • ISSN 1877-9751
  • E-ISSN: 1877-976X
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This paper analyzes metaphorical conceptualizations of in the historical corpus of Classical Malay and in the corpus of present-day Indonesian, the national variety of Malay used in Indonesia. The aim is to explore the idea of diachronic salience and universal/variation in metaphorical conceptualizations between diachronic varieties of the same language. Token and type frequencies are used as measures of salience of the metaphors. Seven of the top-10 metaphors in Classical Malay with high token and type frequencies also make into the top-10 metaphors ranked by these measures in Indonesian, suggesting a relatively stable diachronic salience of the metaphoric cognitive models of in these two Malay varieties. The shared metaphors are parts of larger networks of semantic domains, namely , , , , and . The metaphors are discussed in relation to themes reported in earlier cross-cultural psychological studies of the cultural folk models of .


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