Volume 21, Issue 2
  • ISSN 1877-9751
  • E-ISSN: 1877-976X
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In Cognitive Linguistics, the noun-participle compound is a grammatical category with instances of different degrees of membership. The purpose of this study is to explore the categorization processes and schematic networks in noun-participle compounding. Working with the data of noun-participle compounds from COHA, we identified three types of participles: deverbal, denominal and ambicategorical. Two schemas [N-V-ed] and [N-N-ed] are established as generalizations of compounds of deverbal (e.g. ) and denominal participles (e.g. ). Compounds of ambicategorical participles (e.g. ), are sanctioned by two schemas simultaneously, which give rise to ambiguous morphological readings. This study confirms the labor division between mother-daughter links and sister links in a schema network. The higher-level generalization is encoded by paradigmatically-related sister schemas, with the sister relations built on the shared structure links and a bi-directional conversion of the stem of ppl (i.e., noun-to-verb or verb-to-noun). The sister schemas as a paradigm is a more parsimonious generalization of the compounds, than the posited mother schema.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keyword(s): categorization; noun-participle compounds; paradigms; schemas
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