Volume 15, Issue 1
  • ISSN 1877-9751
  • E-ISSN: 1877-976X
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By adopting a synchronic/diachronic perspective, the study addresses the role of metonymy in the representation of numerical quantity. This can be observed in: (a) the motivation relating individual numeral forms, as well as the internal organization of the whole numeral sequence, to non-numeric entities involved in actual quantifying procedures; (b) the phenomenon by which certain salient numerosities function as ( Langacker, 1993 ) for other numerical representations within the functional/conceptual domain ( Barcelona, 2011 ) of numerical quantity. First, a metonymic interpretation of a small group of numerals from different linguistic areas is proposed. Subsequently, the study focuses on a class of collective numerals in contemporary standard Italian that are derived from cardinals by means of affixation with . The analysis of these word formations is aimed at demonstrating that metonymic mapping is a prerequisite for derivation, and that the mapping is based on privileged conceptual/pragmatic functions within the domain of .


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