Volume 32, Issue 1
  • ISSN 0213-2028
  • E-ISSN: 2254-6774
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This meta-analysis explores in-service CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) teachers’ training needs and whether previous experience and training have an impact on their reported training needs. For this purpose, seven studies that met the inclusion criteria have been analysed qualitatively using the constant comparative model. The results reveal that CLIL teachers have considerable training needs for foreign language and methodological competences regardless of their previous training and experience. However, previous training and experience as CLIL teachers may explain some of the areas of need: inexperienced CLIL teachers request more training on CLIL management and CLIL fundamentals than experienced teachers do. Apparently, a lack of specific CLIL training explains why inexperienced and experienced teachers report training needs in material development and the theoretical underpinnings of CLIL. Overall, this meta-analysis highlights an urgency to develop CLIL training programmes that allow teachers to be better qualified in CLIL so that their teaching can have a positive impact on students’ learning.


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