Volume 36, Issue 2
  • ISSN 0213-2028
  • E-ISSN: 2254-6774
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Positive Psychology was introduced in Second Language Acquisition research in order to explore how positivity can be experienced in the classroom so that learners can flourish in their language learning processes even in averse circumstances (see MacIntyre & Gregersen, 2012). Drawing on theories from Positive Psychology (Fredrickson, 20012013), this study explores moments of positive contact between teacher and students (see Korthagen et al., 2014) via (1) students’ self-reported accounts of their experiences in English learning contexts through four interviews and three focus groups; and (2) observable classroom practices through audio/video recordings of six class sessions. Findings reveal that positive emotion, which is co-constructed by both teacher and student(s) in in-situ interaction, seems to benefit the learner at multiple levels (emotionally, behaviorally, motivationally and cognitively), to contribute to creating rapport between them, and to help fulfill various foreign language learning-related goals.


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