image of University students’ perceptions of team teaching by native and non-native speakers in a Spanish course
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This study investigated the perceptions of 200 Korean students of Spanish as a foreign language regarding team teaching by a Korean Spanish teacher (KST) and a native Spanish-speaking teacher (NST) in a university Spanish course. The survey focused on the students’ views on the weight and demand of learning areas in the lectures, the teaching method and attitude of each instructor, and the advantages and disadvantages of each teacher. The questionnaire asked the students to evaluate the overall team teaching to discern their expectations of the Spanish classes. The results showed that the students had high demands for speaking in both the KST’s and NST’s classes and indicated the advantages and disadvantages of both types of teachers. A relationship was found between the language proficiency level of the students and their preference for instructors, and the use of the first language was considered positive. Overall, the team teaching was evaluated as ideal.


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