image of The effect of international study programmes and languages spoken on Spanish university students’ sense of
Europeanness and place identity
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This study explores European identity formation by examining the role of international study programmes (ISPs) and plurilingualism among Spanish undergraduate and postgraduate students. Using a custom-built survey administered to 871 respondents, the research analyzes how ISPs and students’ language profiles influence their sense of Europeanness, attachment to Europe, and perception of the European Union (EU).

Findings show that students participating in or interested in ISPs have a more positive view of Europe and the EU, while non-mobile students tend to exhibit stronger local identities and view Europe more neutrally or negatively. Additionally, students with broader language repertoires are more likely to associate the EU with cultural diversity, while those primarily speaking Spanish often connect it to challenges like unemployment. Proficiency in multiple European languages emerges as a key factor in fostering a positive European orientation.

This study underscores the importance of ISPs and plurilingualism in shaping European identity with valuable insights for internationalization strategies in higher education.


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