Volume 57, Issue 1
  • ISSN 0035-3906
  • E-ISSN: 1600-0811
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In this article, I revisit the origins of the attributive relative clause in French (in ), in order to advance the hypothesis that reanalysis preceding grammaticalization of this construction originates from a ambiguity which is situated on two different planes of analysis: (1) on the plane of (non-)restriction of the referent of the antecedent of ; (2) on the plane of informational structure of the sentence; and that the mentioned reanalysis originates from certain semantic and syntactic link between the attributive relative and the narrative relative clauses, which is best discernible in a kind of mixed relative clause which has relatively high frequency in Old French. In conclusion, I verify the relevance of the application of the concept of constructionalization to the evolution of the attributive relative clause.


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