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This article explores memorial distances — i.e., forms of distances that are both personal, temporal, medial, cultural, linguistic, and hermeneutic — in Pas pleurer by Lydie Salvayre (2014) and L’Art de perdre by Alice Zeniter (2017). The two novels are retellings of violent and traumatic historical events — the Spanish war and the Algerian war respectively — by persons who did not themselves witness these events. As such, they are emblematic examples of indirect mediation of conflict memory. The article emphasizes the importance of studying the complexity and the multiplicity of memorial distances in such narratives and argues that such an approach allows a broader and deeper understanding of the multi-layered memory work that takes place in Pas pleurer and L’Art de perdre.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keywords: Alice Zeniter ; Lydie Salvayre ; indirect mediation of memory ; memorial distances
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