Volume 52, Issue 2
  • ISSN 0035-3906
  • E-ISSN: 1600-0811
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Clitic doubling is the phenomenon in which, in a clause, a NP or a stressed pronoun and a clitic pronoun refer to the same entity and have the same syntactic function. Previous studies on this phenomenon in Spanish observe that it takes place when the elements involved have features such as +preposition and +definiteness that make them prone to topicalization, such as with stressed pronouns ( Silva-Corvalán, 1984 ; Melis and Flores, 2009 ; Vázquez Rozas and García Salido, 2012 ). However, we have found that in 19th and 20th Century Spanish, doubling often occurs with elements that are not typically topical, such as indefinite NPs. On the basis of a sample of the Argentinian variety from the CORDE and CREA corpora we found that doubling in ditransitive clauses has two functions: it can mark topical indirect objects, but it can also flag which have unexpected promotion of the direct object and demotion of the indirect object in the accessibility scale.


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