Volume 1, Issue 1
  • ISSN 2405-5522
  • E-ISSN: 2405-5530
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This study investigated the vocabulary strategies of n = 241 mixed-L1, adult study abroad learners of English in informal (i.e. out-of-class) second language (L2) contact. A questionnaire determined the extent to which the sample identified with 28 vocabulary strategies. The Opportunities With Language Simulator, an innovative research tool comprising computer simulations of informal L2 contact scenarios, was used as a stimulus in semi-structured interviews with a subsample of n = 36 participants. The questionnaire data revealed that the strategies most identified with pertained to the use of new words/phrases. These strategies were applicable in multiple scenarios and available to a range of different learners. The interview data exposed a wealth of contextual factors (e.g. physical setting) and learner-specific features (e.g.) perceptions of the L2 culture) that influenced whether/how vocabulary strategies were employed. A conceptual model of influencing factors on strategic behavior in informal L2 contact is posited, and recommendations made for future research.


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