Volume 5, Issue 2
  • ISSN 2405-5522
  • E-ISSN: 2405-5530
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Three university students from Japan on a five-week study-abroad program in Australia participated in a case study that investigated the impact of L2 learning experiences on changes in their motivation, especially in relation to development of their ‘Motivational L2 Selves’ as introduced by Dörnyei (2009). The study collected both qualitative and quantitative data in three interviews and weekly learning logs during the program. The results from the learning logs showed an upward trend in the level of motivational intensity as the program proceeded, with the participants’ positive perception of environmental factors. The study confirmed that learner perception of the same motivational factor could vary, and perception can be affected by their prior learning experience and L1 culture. The study, however, failed to provide positive evidence that the study abroad program can help the elaboration of the L2 Self, although the learning experiences in the L2 context enhanced their instrumental motivation.


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