Volume 5, Issue 1
  • ISSN 2405-5522
  • E-ISSN: 2405-5530
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This study examines the sustainability of gains in overall English proficiency made by 81 German students on ERASMUS study abroad placements in the UK (lasting one term or one academic year) following their return to their home country. Students were tracked using C-tests and questionnaires from pre-study abroad up until nine months post-return. Their development was compared with that of 25 peers who applied for ERASMUS placements, but continued studying at home. The analysis presented focuses on the post-return phase and includes factors associated with individual differences in L2 proficiency development post-return, self-perceived L2 skills development, and returnees’ perceived needs regarding further language classes. Results show that students tended to sustain gains in overall L2 proficiency made during study abroad. L2 proficiency level achieved by the end of study abroad, self-efficacy in using the L2 in social interactions, and majoring in English were all positively associated with post-return L2 development.


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