Volume 2, Issue 1
  • ISSN 2405-5522
  • E-ISSN: 2405-5530
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The number of international students keeps increasing worldwide. This is partly attributed to their expectation of improving their language skills by actually using the target language (TL) in the host countries. However, past studies show that such opportunities are not automatically given to them. Perceiving himself as one English learner, the author conducted an autoethnography to explore the processes of availing of opportunities to use the TL in Hawaii during his sabbatical. By recording observations and informal interviews in a diary of his own TL-mediated socialization, the author found that he could engage himself as an active social agent within a type of social space called affinity space which greatly promoted his situated TL-learning in naturalistic contexts. The author discusses how his own case can be applied to other learners studying abroad and presents some educational implications.


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