Volume 9, Issue 2
  • ISSN 2405-5522
  • E-ISSN: 2405-5530
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This case study explores one Spanish L2 learner’s interactional competence (IC) during a short-term study abroad program that featured service-learning (SL). The goal of the study is to describe the learner’s IC in interactions in the SL context. Data for analysis derive primarily from dialogues between the focal participant and interlocutors from her SL network and are analyzed qualitatively using Young’s (2019) categories of identity, linguistic, and interactional resources. Key findings include: (a) the participant co-constructed identities as an American and a teacher with her interlocutors; (b) use of linguistic resources suggests accommodation to Peninsular Spanish, possibly heightened by increased contact with native speakers in SL; and (c) SL afforded a space where the learner felt confident trying out linguistic and interactional features. Findings describe the participant’s IC and suggest the value of the SL context for meaningful interaction in short-term study abroad programs.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keyword(s): interactional competence; L2 Spanish; service-learning; short-term study abroad
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