Volume 15, Issue 1
  • ISSN 1571-0718
  • E-ISSN: 1571-0726
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The expanded use of is among the most salient features of US Spanish and commonly attributed to English influence. For Lipski (1986) , it constitutes a syntactic calque from English constructions with ; Otheguy (1999) maintains it shows cultural but not linguistic influence; Villa ( 2005 , 2010 ) ascribes to grammaticalization processes internal to Spanish. Previous studies lack a detailed account of the semantics of the spatial adverbial in its historical and contemporary usage. Applying Talmy’s (1983) typology of motion events to corpus data, this paper traces a grammaticalization path for from its historical use to its contemporary use in Nuevomexicano Spanish. has shifted from primarily atelic meanings to primarily telic meanings. This shift is evident across Germanic languages for adverbs deriving from the noun and in the Romance prefix from Latin adverb . This study proposes contact with English led to an increased frequency of satellite-framed constructions in Nuevomexicano Spanish, creating the frequency conditions for innovations in the form and meaning of to conventionalize and lead to systematic linguistic change.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keyword(s): conceptual metaphor; grammaticalization; Nuevomexicano Spanish
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