Volume 19, Issue 3
  • ISSN 1571-0718
  • E-ISSN: 1571-0726
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In this paper, we put to the test the validity of the theory of isochrony using data from Chilean Spanish. Spanish has been historically classified as syllable-timed, meaning its basic unit of prosody is the syllable. However, recent studies have shown that different methods of elicitation can have a significant effect on rhythm metrics (i.e., Arvaniti 2012). The present study measured a series of rhythm metrics from samples of 30 native Chilean Spanish speakers producing spontaneous speech and reading aloud. Using MANOVA analyses, the study determined that method of elicitation had a significant effect on the metrics: while spontaneous speech tended to produce values indicative of accent-timed rhythm, reading aloud yielded values which placed them closer to the syllable-timed rhythm category. This study helps to contribute to the notion that speech rhythm is not necessarily determined by language, but rather that there are other relevant factors.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keyword(s): accent-timed; Chilean Spanish; Spanish; speech rhythm; syllable-timed; theory of isochrony
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