Volume 14, Issue 1
  • ISSN 1571-0718
  • E-ISSN: 1571-0726
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This study examines the use of subject pronouns among Spanish speakers in the Southeastern US and explores the incipient stages of language contact through a case study of speakers in Roswell, Georgia, an emergent (recently developing) variety that thus far has rarely been studied in the literature. Sociolinguistic interviews were conducted in Roswell ( Wilson 2013 ) and transcribed to allow for analysis of pronouns and factors that may influence subject expression (e.g. person/number) as well as social variables (e.g. length of residency). Results indicate an overall pronoun rate of 21%, similar to that of Mainland newcomers in New York ( Otheguy, Zentella, and Livert 2007 ). However, results from the multivariate analysis suggest that pronoun usage in Roswell diverges from these communities, with differential effects observed for factors such as Coreferentiality Index (subject continuity). This analysis of subject expression reveals an intermediate stage of language shift in this particular community.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keyword(s): Georgia; Spanish in the United States; subject pronouns
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