Volume 44, Issue 4
  • ISSN 0378-4177
  • E-ISSN: 1569-9978
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Komo (Koman) of Ethiopia has an obligatory paradigm of () verb morphology that, among its functions, indicates of relative to a deictic reference point, and grammatical when collocated with verb roots of different semantic classes. The semantic components of a underlie the Komo system and the grammatical aspect of a predicate can be directly mapped to the bounded/unbounded profile. The Associated Motion function contains a bounded path which entails arrival at or departure from a reference point and, as a result, imparts aspectual telicity to the predicate. The Direction function by contrast, contains an unbounded path that expresses motion towards a reference point and does not impart aspectual telicity. Further, some morphemes express exchoativity, or the ‘exiting’ of a state, a rare if unattested grammatical category.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keyword(s): aspect; associated motion; direction; exchoative; Koman; Nilo-Saharan; path
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