Volume 43, Issue 1
  • ISSN 0378-4177
  • E-ISSN: 1569-9978



This paper describes the semantic and morphosyntactic properties of general converb constructions in Andi, a language of the Avar-Andic group of the East Caucasian language family. There are two general converbs in Andi, both of which are homophonous with a finite verb form (the aorist and the perfect, respectively). There is a considerable functional overlap between the two converbs. Both can be used to render the first stage of a complex event. The perfect / converb can also specify manner. An additive particle often accompanies the perfect as converb, while a specialised particle appears with the aorist as converb. The situation in Andi is unusual, because the two converbs are functionally very similar and not opposed in terms of aspect. In addition, Andi seems to be the only East Caucasian language where a specialised particle (i.e. ) is found in this type of converbal clauses.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keyword(s): additive; Andi; East Caucasian; general converb
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