Volume 45, Issue 4
  • ISSN 0378-4177
  • E-ISSN: 1569-9978
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Khamti Shan features the marking of perfectivity comprised of three clause-final particles, one perfective and two imperfectives, each emerging from the basic verbs, ‘finish’, ‘live’, and ‘(be) extensive’. While the perfective category is straightforward, the imperfective category shows an unusual bifurcation, the first imperfective marker accommodating continuatives and habituals and the second imperfective marker working exclusively with the nominal predicate construction, clauses of potentiality (hortatives, futures), and the progressive construction. All three particles of perfectivity develop from lexical sources, with the pathways ‘finish’ > > and ‘live’ > > being well-documented across languages. The pathway ‘extensive’ > , on the other hand, appears unique to Khamti Shan. I motivate the usage of these perfectivity particles (primarily) with a semantic-cognitive analysis.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keyword(s): aspect; grammaticalization; imperfective; Khamti; perfective; Shan; Tai
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