Volume 45, Issue 3
  • ISSN 0378-4177
  • E-ISSN: 1569-9978
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While the Swedish negator may be doubled in a final clause-external position, in both standard Swedish and dialects, many dialects also allow a final, clause-internal particle ( or ) in negated clauses. FNPs occur in a coherent area around the Baltic Sea, and in contrast with doubling negation, they are possible both after both and ‘never’. FNPs are also used in questions and exclamations, contexts that disallow doubling negation. These particles may have developed from the former Swedish negator or from the common . An argument for the former alternative is that other dialectal phenomena that spread from central Sweden during the late Middle Ages have approximately the same geographic distribution. In the final section of the paper, some typological consequences and implications are discussed. Furthermore, it is argued that syntactic studies of non-standard varieties may reveal new insights of typological relevance.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keyword(s): dialect; negation; Swedish
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