Volume 45, Issue 2
  • ISSN 0378-4177
  • E-ISSN: 1569-9978
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This paper presents an in-depth investigation of the binding strategies in Kokborok and we will look more specifically how this sheds light on the theories of reflexivization. Kokborok, a Tibeto-Burman language spoken in Tripura, a state in the North-East of India, has two reflexives: ‘self self’ and ‘self self’. The form ‘self self’ conforms to Principle A of classic Binding Theory, blocking long-distance binding, but this does not hold true for allowing non-local binding. It is a well-established fact that some reflexives allow non-local binding, but it is generally assumed that this phenomenon is limited to a certain type of reflexive, morpho-syntactically ‘simple reflexives.’ The so-called ‘complex reflexives’ generally bar non-local binding, and the Kokborok reflexive seems an exception to that. This paper explores the uniqueness involved in the nature of anaphoric binding in Kokborok.


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