Volume 29, Issue 3
  • ISSN 0924-1884
  • E-ISSN: 1569-9986
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The literature on translators’ professional identity has focused on role-related factors, such as traits and power, paying little attention to extra-role activities. The present study fills this void by examining the role of citizenship behaviors in consolidating the translators’ professional identity. The regression analysis of the survey data on 352 translators and interpreters in South Korea shows that citizenship behaviors inside and outside of the profession, such as voluntary services in community events or at a professional association of translators, positively affect their identity. It is also noteworthy that citizenship behaviors, particularly those within the profession, partly moderate the influence of trait factors such as master’s degree and income on identity. This study indicates that participation in social activities beyond the boundaries of one’s translation job can benefit both individual professionals and the professional group as a whole, reinforcing professional identity. This will ultimately contribute to society, in addition to the profession.


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