Volume 34, Issue 4
  • ISSN 0924-1884
  • E-ISSN: 1569-9986
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The collection, published by Producciones Editoriales S. A. from 1975 to 1982, is a foremost example of the post-Francoist counterculture and one of the best chronicles of this period of Spanish history. The collection became a viable platform for various national and international authors who had remained silenced for decades at a time when books were still subjected to official censorship. stood out for its eclectic nature and its rebellious spirit, reflected in the striking covers and themes, which clashed against Francoist orthodoxy. This paper highlights the collection’s role in promoting the counterculture in Spain and sheds light on how censorship operated in this period. Detailed analyses of the sociopolitical context, the catalogue, the available censorship materials, and several collection titles show the more permissive nature of post-Francoist censorship.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keyword(s): book collections; censorship; counterculture; Francoist Spain; translation
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