Volume 35, Issue 4
  • ISSN 0924-1884
  • E-ISSN: 1569-9986
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The study reported on in the article examines the patterns and trends of statistical analysis in translation and interpreting (T&I) research, based on a longitudinal quantitative analysis of more than 3300 research articles sampled from eleven leading T&I journals (2000–2020). This evidence-based review is the first study to provide a systematic mapping of statistical methods used by T&I researchers. Our analyses suggest that (a) about 40% of the articles use statistics, and the use of statistics has been increasing over time; (b) the most frequently used inferential statistical techniques are the -test, Pearson’s correlation, and chi-squared test; and (c) although the use of statistical methods has become increasingly diversified, about 90% of the methods used are basic-level statistics. We discuss these findings in relation to statistical teaching and learning for relevant stakeholders, especially T&I researchers.


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