Volume 1, Issue 1
  • ISSN 2666-1748
  • E-ISSN: 2666-1756
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This experimental study explores the differential effects of spoken input-based and output-based tasks on vocabulary knowledge. The study also investigates whether such tasks result in more learning gains than exposure to input-only (no subsequent task). The study employed a pretest-posttest design with two groups: an experimental group ( = 32) who completed both input- and output-based tasks in a counterbalanced way and a comparison group ( = 12) who were only exposed to L2 input. Vocabulary gains were measured at three levels of sensitivity: oral spontaneous use, oral form recall and meaning recall. The findings showed that participants who were only exposed to L2 input learned significantly fewer words than participants who completed the input-based and output-based tasks. No difference in learning gains was found between the input-based and output-based tasks.

This work is currently available as a sample.

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