Volume 4, Issue 2
  • ISSN 2666-1748
  • E-ISSN: 2666-1756
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This study conducts a task-based needs analysis (NA) to (1) determine the Spanish language needs of primarily English-speaking emergency room nurses in the Southeastern US and (2) inform the design of a potential Spanish for ER Nursing course. This mixed-methods study included three phases of both data collection and analysis, adapted from Serafini and Torres (2015) and Malicka et al. (2019). In Phase 1, a variety of open-ended measures were used to determine tasks common in ER settings as reported by each type of participant. In Phase 2, participants rated the frequency and importance of these tasks. In Phase 3, the participants reviewed the list of tasks in follow-up interviews. Results are presented as a series of tasks performed in the ER context, ranked according to frequency and importance. The study improves upon previous task-based needs analyses by implementing recent methodological considerations by Serafini (2022) and Gilabert and Malicka (2022).


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