Volume 3, Issue 1
  • ISSN 2666-1748
  • E-ISSN: 2666-1756
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In Canada, French immersion (FI) is a popular language program. In addition to needing strong pedagogies for language and content instruction, primary FI teachers need to attend to students’ age, cognitive level, and lack of exposure to the target language. We turned our attention to the potential of task-based instruction to conduct a two-year classroom-based study exploring communicative tasks designed specifically for young language students in FI. The study led to the development of an instructional sequence for task-based instruction for children ages 5–6, grounded in the Gradual Release of Responsibility model and scaffolded instruction. In addition to presenting this pedagogical framework, we discuss identify promising task-based pedagogical principles at play and highlight pathways for classroom application. We also discuss communicative tasks proposed to young students and offer the use of symbolic play as a type of task that shows promise for young learners in second language learning contexts.


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