Volume 6, Issue 2
  • ISSN 2542-5277
  • E-ISSN: 2542-5285
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This paper discusses predictive processes in simultaneous interpreting. A review of experimental findings in the interpreting process literature is carried out on prediction and anticipation – both instances of predictive processes – addressing two questions: (i) what causes prediction and anticipation?, and (ii) is there an experience-related advantage for prediction and anticipation in interpreters? A few gaps are identified in the literature, namely, the need for investigating language-specific cues to prediction and the need for investigating predictive behaviour in both source language processing and target language production. The review is followed by a discussion of future directions in addressing the identified gaps by interpreting process studies, as well as a discussion of how current and future experimental findings can inform our understanding of the processes underlying prediction during simultaneous interpreting.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keyword(s): anticipation; interpreting process; prediction; simultaneous interpreting
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