Volume 24, Issue 1
  • ISSN 0929-9971
  • E-ISSN: 1569-9994
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Narrative clinical records and biomedical articles constitute rich sources of information about , i.e., markers distinguishing individuals with specific medical conditions from the general population. Phenotypes help clinicians to provide personalised treatments. However, locating information about them within huge document repositories is difficult, since each phenotypic concept can be mentioned in many ways. Normalisation methods automatically divergent phrases to unique concepts in domain-specific terminologies, to allow location and linking of all mentions of a concept of interest. We have developed a hybrid normalisation method (HYPHEN) to handle concept mentions with wide ranging characteristics, across different text types. HYPHEN integrates various normalisation techniques that handle variations (e.g., differences in word order, word forms or acronyms/abbreviations) and variations (where terms have similar , but potentially unrelated ). HYPHEN achieves robust performance for both biomedical academic text and narrative clinical records, and has the ability to significantly outperform related methods.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keyword(s): normalisation; phenotypic information; term variation; terminological resources
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