Volume 24, Issue 1
  • ISSN 0929-9971
  • E-ISSN: 1569-9994


The identification of reliable terms from domain-specific corpora using computational methods is a task that has to be validated manually by specialists, which is a highly time-consuming activity. To reduce this effort and improve term candidate selection, we implemented the Token Slot Recognition method, a filtering method based on terminological tokens which is used to rank extracted term candidates from domain-specific corpora. This paper presents the implementation of the term candidates filtering method we developed in linguistic and statistical approaches applied for automatic term extraction using several domain-specific corpora in different languages. We observed that the filtering method outperforms term candidate selection by ranking a higher number of terms at the top of the term candidate list than raw frequency, and for statistical term extraction the improvement is between 15% and 25% both in precision and recall. Our analyses further revealed a reduction in the number of term candidates to be validated manually by specialists. In conclusion, the number of term candidates extracted automatically from domain-specific corpora has been reduced significantly using the Token Slot Recognition filtering method, so term candidates can be easily and quickly validated by specialists.


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