Volume 25, Issue 2
  • ISSN 0929-9971
  • E-ISSN: 1569-9994



Linguistic resources available in the form of open data are an essential source of information for creating e-dictionaries, but access to these linguistic resources is still limited. This paper presents a method for maximising use of open access linguistic resources and integrating them into specialised e-dictionaries. The method combines automatic compilation of terminology data with the creation of specialised linguistic corpora to produce a Catalan version of the IATE (InterActive Terminology for Europe) database. The paper presents new methodological advances applied here to the production of terminological e-dictionaries, using open access linguistic resources. We observe that, as a result of this new methodology, the Catalan version of the IATE will be able to include specialised economics, law and health dictionaries. In conclusion, the new methodology presented here permits the creation of new models of specialised e-dictionaries, facilitates the compilation of terminology in any language and unifies the access format for terminology data.


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