Neology in Specialized Communication
  • ISSN 0929-9971
  • E-ISSN: 1569-9994
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With this paper we propose to bring the linguistic and cultural reality of the migration phenomenon to the specialized neology within a descriptive, communicative and cognitive context. The vocabulary of migration falls within the framework referred to as the Communicative Theory of Terminology, this is not only because of the terminological units used but also for reasons of function and the fact that this vocabulary can easily be used in informative discourse. We have been able to observe the dynamic nature of this vocabulary and the constant creation of new terms: the birth of new terms, many of which had to survive a period of instability before becoming accepted as correct; the disappearance of a number of terms, words that shortly after gaining acceptance, some not even reaching maturity, fell into disuse of their own accord; and the opposite, terms that regained popularity thanks to their use in high impact news stories in the media: patera.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keyword(s): neology; specialized communication; terminology; translation and migration
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